the main articles of faith

Approved Jan the 19th, 2001 by the Pentecostal Churches of Finland in Seinäjoki.


1. The Bible

The Holy Bible is the Holy Spirit inspired Word of God and the only foundation of our doctrine.

2. God

God is One, Eternal God in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. God is the Creator of the heaven and the earth.

3. Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, was born of the Virgin Mary and lived a sinless life teaching and doing miracles. Through His death on the Cross Jesus reconciled the world, was raised from the dead and ascended to heaven at the right hand of the Father.

4. Man, Fall and Redemption

God created man in His own image to enjoy fellowship with Him, but through the Fall man was alienated from God. Through faith in Jesus man receives the gift of righteousness and is born again as a child of God.

5. The Work of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit awakens the man spiritually so that he is then able to receive the Salvation prepared for him by God and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ baptizes the believer with the Holy Spirit who distributes spiritual gifts for the edification of the Church as in the time of the Apostles. The believer is meant to live in the fullness of the Holy Spirit bearing the fruit of the Spirit.

6. The Church

The Church is a society of believers founded and lead by Christ and built upon the teaching of the Apostles. All believers everywhere in every age are members of the same and united Church, which is manifested through the local assembly. Jesus Christ commanded His Church to make disciples of all the nations, to baptize and to teach them. The Church forms the spiritual priesthood whose function is to serve the Lord and to show Christian charity to all men.

7. The (Water) Baptism

The (Water) Baptism is connected to God’s Redemptive work. Baptism is done to a believer at the command of Jesus Christ in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit by immersion in the water. The person baptized is then joined in the local assembly.

8. The Communion

The Communion is a memorial and fellowship meal appointed by Jesus for His followers in which He Himself is present through faith. The Communion proclaims the reconciliatory work of Jesus and is participation in His Death and Resurrection.

9. The Death and the Resurrection

All people will experience a bodily Resurrection. The righteous will rise up in the Resurrection of Life and the ungodly in the Resurrection of Judgement.

10. The Second Coming of Jesus and Eternity

Jesus Christ will rapture His Church to be with Him according to His promise after which He will come to rule the whole world as King. God will create New Heavens and New Earth. The is the eternal heritage of the righteous.